How to create a cross-run script
For instance, your program involves three teams, and you want to set up a progressively unfolding storyline for each team. However, you'd like each of the three teams to follow different paths, while the content at each game station remains the same.
In this case, the Outing app can be configured to achieve this. Essentially, each team would run a different scenario on the app, but the content at each station remains consistent, with only the order of the stations differing.
Step 1: Create a program as usual, and select the program type 'Open station by station.' You can name the program something like 'Team A.'
Step 2: Enter the information for the game stations in the Team A scenario as usual.
Step 3: Once you've created a complete scenario for Team A, SAVE it. Next, you can copy the Team A scenario.
Step 4: Click on the schedule to edit the copied scenario.
Step 5: Rename the copied scenario to 'Team B.'
Step 6: (Important) Adjust the order of the game stations in the Team B scenario.
Step 7: SAVE the edited Team B program. If necessary, you can repeat this process for Team C.
In the end, you will have three scenarios with identical game content but different sequences for three different teams.